Racial Comrades: It's time for some very blunt talk. The "state of the racial movement" is such, that it's long overdue that we prepare a SERIOUS appraisal of "where we are" - and WHY. In my mind, the REASON of this mess, is simple - far too much, and too many of the people involved - LIVE in the PAST. Look at the "Southern" area of America, once a hot bed of White racial resistance. The "klans" are literally GONE - non-existent. WHY? Once again it is simple. White people in the 21st CENTURY - dealing with ALL the PROBLEMS that … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 21, 2014
ANP Report for May 02, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well, May 1st has come and gone, and while around the world, people celebrated the "Day of the Worker" ( even in National Socialist Germany, "May Day" was a Day of Honor for those who by mind or hand, produced for the Folk ) here in the Good Old Jew-S-A this day is virtually IGNORED. WHY? I believe it's very simple - in this evil, decadent Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity of a system - "WORK" is considered to be another of those "four lettered words", that are not "respectable". Folks who actually LABOR for a LIVING - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 02, 2014
ANP Report for April 14, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well folks, it's happened AGAIN. Just when those of us who are sincere National Socialists were beginning to hope that the era of the phony loony-tune hollywierd nutzi types was disappearing from the scene - along comes yet ANOTHER one. This time it was 73 year old raging hatemonger "Frazier Glenn Miller/Cross", who felt the need to go on a drunken killing spree ala that "Aryan Nations" Buford Furrow nut-case out in California around a decade ago, shooting up jewish centers. Yep, this Glenn Miller was a real piece of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 14, 2014
ANP Report for April 01, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well folks, here it is "April Fool Day" the day which I think OUGHT to be THE "National Holiday" for the vast majority of the population of this wondrous Jew-S-of A - since they seem to me to be�sadly�nothing more than a bunch of damn fools themselves. I got into a conversation at the tobacco store, where I buy my one dollar a pack cheap smokes ( owned by an Arab of course ) with another old retired fart like myself. This guy was about as poor as I am, judging by his appearance, and you know how discussions go, you start … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 01, 2014
ANP Report for March 14, 2014
Racial Comrades: Usually, by March the weather has lightened up to the point where Outreach activities can get into high swing again. This winter has been much different, here in Michigan we just had another snow storm which dumped another 6-8 inches of the white stuff - so we decided against announcing the usual Spring Blitz in honor of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell's birth-date on the 9th this year. However, we cannot ignore Adolf Hitler's birth-date on April the 20th, so I suggest that National Socialists across America begin to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 14, 2014
ANP Report for February 26, 2014
Racial Comrades: Often I'm asked, "How can you expect to win? The system is so powerful and entrenched that it's hopeless to resist them.� Is it REALLY? This evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity is in DEBT by the TRILLION$ of dollars, and every time the "debt limit" is reached ( seems like every year...) they all agree to UP the ANTE' and BORROW MORE from the International Bankers. "SOMEDAY" that debt is going to HAVE to be PAID - that, and all the INTEREST that it is accruing - and folks, just WHAT do you think is going to happen … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 26, 2014
ANP Report for February 02, 2014
Racial Comrades: While there seems to be an over-abundance of self-styled "Mighty Poohbahs" out there, who are willing to "lead" the great Victory Parade - there are very few "TEACHERS" - I consider myself to be a teacher in regards to those who are willing to listen and consider my words and thoughts. What I am about to relate, might sound unnecessary to many if not most of you - at least I HOPE so - since it seems to be only common sense, to myself. Yet with "this movement", and the continuous nonsense that it engages in - I often shake … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 02, 2014
ANP Report for January 12, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well folks, here it is the year 2014 - and has anything CHANGED - ah, for the BETTER that is? Well, NOW you HAVE to buy "health insurance" from the greedy Judeo-Capitalists, or face a BIG FINE from what is supposedly "YOUR GOVERNMENT". Now THAT'S a "new thing" isn't it? Somehow the GOVERNMENT fining its citizens as a penalty for not buying a "product", sold to make FAT PROFITS for the already obscenely wealthy, that the persons involved feel that they cannot AFFORD - does go a bit over my head! BUT, as for with so many of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 12, 2014
ANP Report for December 03, 2013
Racial Comrades: I must beg your pardons for the lateness of my ANPReport, but things have been a bit hectic in my personal life lately, and frankly that's the "best" excuse that I can come up with - please accept my sincere apologies. You all know that I have often slammed and denigrated many of those within our Racial Movement, for many different things, from STUPIDITY, to CORRUPTION, to DYSFUNCTIONALISM, to outright BETRAYAL of "WHAT" we as National Socialists truly believe in, and which so many good, sincere and decent men AND women … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 03, 2013
ANP Report for November 06, 2013
Racial Comrades, well the November, 2013 election cycle is over, and once again - there were NO - that's ZERO folks - NS/WN candidates taking part. NO real choices for those angry people out there, who ARE fed up 101% with the "two party" swindle. That's SAD folks. That's unacceptable. Instead there is still a smattering of the "usual" nonsense, that passes as "activism" in this so-called "racial movement" - you know, the tiny street-walks of a handful of (usually) costumed caperers, OR the pitiful media-whoring in front of the controlled … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 06, 2013
ANP Report for October 16, 2013
Racial Comrades: Every "1st World" nation ( White nations ) on planet earth HAS a National Health Care policy, that is paid through the people�s taxes - and they cover ALL the needs of their citizens - EXCEPT the Jew-S-of-A. WHY? Everyone with a working brain realizes that this current Judeo-Capitalist scheme posing as "Obama-Care" - is nothing more or less - than MAKING the populace BUY "medical insurance" from the Corporate Powers that...SELL IT. Yep, under this present SYSTEM - you HAVE to BUY IT! WHY? Well, to make the corporate … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 16, 2013
ANP Report for October 01, 2013
Racial Comrades: Often I write things that make folks "uncomfortable", and or "shock them" by what I believe to simply be the blunt, honest, TRUTH - instead of the "comfortable" PABLUM that is usually fed to people, by the run-of-the-mill talking heads out there. Today is going to be no different, so if you are looking forward to hearing some "Rah-Rah, we got'em on the run boys!" nonsense - well, perhaps you ought to go back to your video games... Often, I hear from people who ask "why" isn't the WN "Movement" doing as well as the Golden … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 01, 2013
ANP Report for September 11, 2013
Racial Comrades: Well, here it is Sept 11th - again. Yep, it's getting to the point where I'm getting REALLY disgusted about all the crying and moaning about this "holohoax style" - "Remembrance Day" - propaganda. "HEROES?" This was the WORLD TRADE CENTER folks, right in line with the parasites and vampires on WALL STREET - I find it damn right IRONIC - that of ALL the targets that could have been hit, it was this pack of thieves that got it in the neck! Hell, I only WISH that ALL of WALL STREET could have been "SHOCK & AWE'D". Btw, how … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 11, 2013
ANP Report for August 29, 2013
Racial Comrades, Once again "Labor Day" is coming up, and true to form, everything BUT - the HONORING of America's White Workers - is in full play. Oh, there are the "SALES", and the "Bar-B-Q's", and and the carnival-like nonsense - but, WHERE is even a MENTION of the PEOPLE WHO BUILT this nation out of a wilderness? In all honesty, beyond the occasional babbling about non-White "civil-rights hero's" - does this sick, degenerate, Judeo-Capitalist society EVER "honor" a NON-WEALTHY Aryan anymore? Not to my knowledge... Until the advent of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 29, 2013
ANP Report for August 03, 2013
Racial Comrades: I'm sure that all of you are by now aware that Detroit has finally cashed in its chips, and has filed for bankruptcy. Here in the "wealthiest nation on earth", a major metropolitan area has reached the point - which I have been pointing out for a decade now, if you'll bother reading our archived ANPReports section - where spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave, "giving the gravy-train" to just about ANYONE or ANYTHING but OURSELVES, with their hand stuck out, has finally REACHED its obvious and ultimate … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 03, 2013
ANP Report for July 20, 2013
Racial Comrades, well here it is July already and I'd like to take the time to review the Party's progress so far this year. Unlike most organizations out there, the ANP produces HARD-COPY materials for its adherents - both OUTREACH and educational. I'm happy to be able to state that our monthly magazine The White Worker hasn't missed a publication date in 2013 ( the 20-page July Issue, has been published and is in the mail to those who DESERVE IT , ie are in Good-Standing per their pledges and $upport ) and the quality has not only keep … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 20, 2013