Dear Comrades,I hope this finds you all healthy and well, especially those comrades in California currently contending with the fires.We are looking for contributions for the upcoming issue of The White Worker.Deadline for contributions is January 27th for the upcoming Double-Issue.There is a lot that could be covered as February is a busy month: The birthdays of George Washington and Charles Lindbergh; the 105th anniversary of the 25-points; and broader topics like the effect DEI priorities have had on the spread of the California fires; the use of … [Read more...] about We Want Your Contributions for The White Worker
Dues and Donations now accepted on-line!
Comrades,As I’m sure many of you know, there are only a handful of reliable vendors who process on-line payments, and all of them are owned by… shall we say… a minority we are not particularly fond of.Many pro-White websites and merchants have been refused service over the last few years, ourselves included, in an attempt to drive them out of business. Using vague “terms of service” violations, they are able to stop all online payment processing without recourse to appeal. Never mind that we do not promote violence or encourage hate in any way. Our … [Read more...] about Dues and Donations now accepted on-line!
Religion in the ANP
Because we get a lot of questions about religion, I thought I'd make a short post about it here.Basically, religious beliefs are a matter of personal choice. George Lincoln Rockwell said, “I care not what religion, club, area or class you come from, nor what bit of colored cloth you wave as a flag. WE are ALL under deadly attack by colored hordes which outnumber us more than seven to one, led by a filthy Jewish, Communist conspiracy!”— George Lincoln RockwellOur focus is on the political realm, not in alienating fellow Whites who have different … [Read more...] about Religion in the ANP
A Message From An Official Supporter
We received this message a couple months ago from an Official Supporter (OS) who has been faithful in sending in appropriate dues to help financially support the Party. We are behind on receiving dues payments for many OS and will be cutting those from the organization who have not kept their pledge or communicated with us about their lack of support. This message below is in response to our situation. We would hope that many more would have the dedication that this man does.Sir,I am an XX-year-old Official Supporter of only three years or so. This … [Read more...] about A Message From An Official Supporter
The White Worker – November 2024
Comrades, the last day for contributions to the November issue of the Party magazine is Sunday, November 10.Just when you thought American politics could not get crazier, even the smallest gears in the print-broadcast-internet mass media machine are whirring full throttle, grinding down on the ineradicable granitic obsession with Hitler. The demented deluge of hyper-fallacious Hitler hysteria following yet another exposé of Trump's arrantly foolish utterances has revealed all too clearly the depths of irreparable dissolution into which American … [Read more...] about The White Worker – November 2024
October Edition of The White Worker!
Comrades,the last day for contributions to the October "Halloween" edition of the Party magazine is Tuesday, October 8.As I write, the chosen Israelis are again bombing civilian populations with impunity, this time in Lebanon. Ostensibly targeting Hezbollah leadership, the ratio of 99 civilian kills for every one supposed Hezbollah enemy is the Jewish M.O. revealed in the Gaza Genocide. The whole world watches mass slaughter and does nothing. Man's inhumanity to man was supposed to end via the vaunted treaties and humanitarian … [Read more...] about October Edition of The White Worker!
August-September issue of The White Worker
Comrades,The last day for contributions to the Aug-Sept double issue of the Party magazine is Sunday, Sept 8.British Whites are being sentenced to lengthy jail terms for rioting, even those who did so online. Outrage among Whites, objecting to a 15-month prison term for Julie Sweeney, 53, of Cheshire, grows with each anti-White trial.White Britons have had enough.In England's Spring elections earlier this year, EIGHT so-called nationalist parties fielded candidates for local and national offices. The dilution of solid choice for voters … [Read more...] about August-September issue of The White Worker
Are You Ready for Liberty?
America Has Become a New World Order OutpostBy Thomas W. Chittum“These elitists of the New World Order, in pursuit of their agenda of global domination, aresystematically crushing the sovereignty of all nation states whose leaders or people dare defythem.”July 4, 2000 — Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the First Annual Imperial Rag Flag Burn, brought to you live from Eric Rudolph country in North Carolina. Ladies and gentlemen, some time ago I proposed the idea of this event, and today I am gathered here with like-minded … [Read more...] about Are You Ready for Liberty?
The White Worker, July 2024!
Comrades, the last day for contributions to be published in the July issue of the Party magazine is Monday, July 8.In May of 1940 Churchill had close to 400,000 soldiers in France, the British Expeditionary Force, commanded by General Lord Gort. The French 3rd Republic had some 2,900,000 men mobilized in 1940, 5,500 tanks, 3,300 aircraft, and hundreds of vessels ranked as the 7th largest navy on Earth. But things were not going so well. Realizing the inevitable outcome, Churchill prepared for an alternative method to … [Read more...] about The White Worker, July 2024!
The White Worker and George Lincoln Rockwell
In March we commemorate the birth of our Commander, George Lincoln Rockwell. It is still astonishing whenever we reflect on the fact that within 15 years of the NS catastrophe in 1945, a man who misguidedly fought for the victors of World War 2's White fratricide arose to defiantly raise the Hitlerian banner of White racial unity.Only once before in history did a fallen Titan arise so quickly through redemption manifest in a political heir. Seventeen years after Caesar was murdered by "noble" senators in the Forum of the Roman Senate, his … [Read more...] about The White Worker and George Lincoln Rockwell
*The White Worker* December Edition
Greetings Comrades! The current issue of The White Worker is being sent out to ALL Official Supporters in good standing this weekend! It is the largest ever at nearly 50 pages! Much of this issue covers the Jewish bloodlust in Gaza. Personally I think that most normal unaware working-class White men and women have difficulty grasping the sheer depth of Jewish depravity, and the Jewish Question is certainly not one that can be comprehended in one afternoon.If you are not a current Official Supporter, you can purchase this large issue or any … [Read more...] about *The White Worker* December Edition
GDL and Their CIA Satanist Friends
The Goyim Defense League is yet another in a long line of compromised honeypot groups that exhibit the same characteristics as many frauds before them. Richard Spencer, the "NSM", Traditionalist Worker Party, and on and on have all been flashy and loud with lots of that "coveted" negative media attention that only makes our cause look detestable and pathetic. This latest Hollywood circus gimmick by the GDL shows them with various freaks, degenerates, and weirdos that Adolf Hitler would have quickly removed from his nation. Here's a couple articles … [Read more...] about GDL and Their CIA Satanist Friends
The Nazi Hate Slur
Please read this outstanding article. National-Socialism is so much more than what you've been taught. … [Read more...] about The Nazi Hate Slur
The Florida Law Protecting Jews
As most of you know, Ron "Kosher" DeSantis recently went to Israel to pay homage to his jewish masters, and signed an anti-free speech law making jews an even more protected class of imaginary victims than they already were.This PDF highlights some items in the law: DeSantis 2023 (HB) 269Be careful, and stay away from Synagogues (obviously.... we aren't trying to recruit jews) or any other jewish facility.From DeSantis' website: The bill also adds a definition of anti-Semitism similar to the definition adopted by the U.S. Department of State’s … [Read more...] about The Florida Law Protecting Jews
Political Soldier
Check out this short pamphlet called Political Soldier by Derek Holland, originally published in the early 1980’s in the UK. I have linked it in this post for you to read and I strongly encourage it. It won’t take much time to read but it makes excellent points and is very quotable.The overriding message I got from it–the general theme–is personal self-improvement. We cannot be effective political soldiers in this battle for the survival of our race, and transform the mindset of our brainwashed Folk if we cannot even govern ourselves. … [Read more...] about Political Soldier
The White Worker – March 2023 Preview
Comrades,the last day for contributions to the Lincoln Rockwell birthday commemorative issue of the Party magazine is this Wednesday, March 8, 2023!Many ANP members and supporters want to do more for the Party "Cells!" Not the jail kind (the Commander had experienced enough of those) but small Party units collected around the ideals of National-Socialism, taking action step by step as participants in a greater whole: literature distribution, participation in town halls held for the benefit of some typical bought-and-paid-for politician, raising real … [Read more...] about The White Worker – March 2023 Preview