In March we commemorate the birth of our Commander, George Lincoln Rockwell. It is still astonishing whenever we reflect on the fact that within 15 years of the NS catastrophe in 1945, a man who misguidedly fought for the victors of World War 2’s White fratricide arose to defiantly raise the Hitlerian banner of White racial unity.
Only once before in history did a fallen Titan arise so quickly through redemption manifest in a political heir. Seventeen years after Caesar was murdered by “noble” senators in the Forum of the Roman Senate, his talented, courageous great-nephew, heir, and adopted son Octavian, in a civil war initiated by the murderers, led Caesar’s loyal troops to defeat the rebels. Octavian became Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome.
Commander Rockwell had not only the courage, the fortitude, the confidence to succeed Adolf Hitler, he also had the intellect. Unfortunately, unlike Augustus, the Commander’s efforts to invoke redemption for Adolf Hitler –and White heritage in general– were thwarted by a bullet. A mentally defective insecure bully with a daddy complex, a coward with such low self-esteem he sought to bolster his manhood by absorbing some masculine energy from the Commander, constantly pestering Rockwell for approval, then, in a fit of pique, shot his mentor. Rockwell had had enough of him, discarded him, and paid for that action with his life. And the future of the White race.
GLR went through the usual gamut of political discovery, from conservatives like William Buckley to the Birchers and the Republicans; he found temporary financial support from wealthy closet Nazis; finally emerged solo as full NS. But a media blackout forced him into Hollywood Nazi-style demonstrations and protests to get publicity, intending fully to graduate into a more sober version of his American Nazism, seeking electoral successes, engaging an intellectual wing for the Party…all the while getting critiques by know-it-alls who wanted more uniformed performances, more violence, even gunfights, thus even more notoriety. After his death a multitude of decidedly non-intellects, the often indiscriminately violent self-anointed successors, claimed one and all to have a better idea and far greater leadership ability. Every post-ANP/NSWPP grouplet was nothing more than a vanity project for the “leader(s).” Embarrassments to every genuine National Socialist.
The Imitators come and go. But we stay. For the sake of the Commander’s memory, and for the sake of the White race.
Your articles, essays, letters, comments, everything is welcome. The last day for contributions to the March issue of the Party magazine is Sunday, March 10.
88s from HAK