Racial Comrades: As the Old Year is dying on the vine, and the New Year is approaching...all I can say, is that for the Racial Movement...it?s been "quite a year." In the past year, we have all had our eyes opened to a lot of "skeletons" in the Movement "closet," which even if so many in the past refused to "read the signs," now pretty much clears the air about the "why" the "movement leadership" bye and large STINKS. I'll give a brief repeat for those new readers, which are joining our audience each week...and suggest that they review past ANP … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 01, 2004
ANP Report for December 22, 2003
Racial Comrades: In a world of decay, where "entertainment" has usually sunk to the level where you would prefer your children NOT view it...the "Lord of the Rings"...is a most refreshing and amazing alternative. It saddens and sickens me that in today's "entertainment," one feels like one has traveled to the Catskill Mountain kosher "resort" area...home of the well known "JEWISH HUMOR" as typified in the movie "Dirty Dancing." One emerges feeling not satisfied and cheerful, but rather UNCLEAN. This area was known … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 22, 2003
ANP Report for December 14, 2003
Racial Comrades: With the New Year almost upon us, its time to consider what the future year might hold in store for ourselves and our Folk. Of course, these are only personal observations that I have arrived at, based upon the experiences of the past year, and my careful scrutiny of "current events" that are filtered through the "jews-media" and its white toady talking-heads. I believe that Bush will win the election, and since it will be his families last term...he will go for broke...cementing and enlarging … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 14, 2003
ANP Report for December 07, 2003
Racial Comrades: "CAN'T WE JUST UNITE THE MOVEMENT"? Comes the repeated whine, just about every other day to ANP National Office. Yeah, and "unite" with WHOM...is my reply! Did you all manage to catch the recent AP wire story about the "Klan Initiation" over in Johnson City, Tenn.? Seems that about a dozen bright boys of the 'Hood, were inducting a new "member." They tied him to a tree with a NOOSE, blindfolded him with a HOOD, and started "shooting him" with a paintball gun. Well, as he was been smacked by the pellets...some KKKMan by the name of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 07, 2003
ANP Report for November 26, 2003
Racial Comrades: "Fame of a Great Man IN-DEED?" Last year (2002), Victor Gerhard the former N.A. Attorney wrote the following from his personal experiences within the NA. It is taken from the SPLC website from e-mail informants sent them, so IF they are incorrect...being a lawyer...one would expect him to have sued the pants off Dee's and Co., eh? {{...He accused William Pierce of being a LIAR and, "siphoning off ALL the CASH INTO HIS POCKET," surrounding himself with "TOADIES, LICKSPITTLES, and ASS-KISSERS," … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 26, 2003
ANP Report for November 20, 2003
Racial Comrades: Well, today we continue with our regular on-going series of EXPOSING the CORRUPT ABSCESSES...within the "White Racial Movement," as well as a few thoughts on the "direction" of our OBVIOUS failed propaganda efforts...from the PAST to the PRESENT. On the 'net, I've been seeing various "movement personalities"...actually GLOATING...over being listed on the front cover of the latest "SPLC Report" magazine. Somehow, they seem to believe that "making the cover"...shows...what "great leaders" they … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 20, 2003
ANP Report for November 15, 2003
Racial Comrades: Boy! You turn the spotlight on the abscesses' in the body-politic of the "white racial movement" and you get more mail in a week, than you get in a month. Seems that there are a goodly number of folks out there, who for one reason or another...think that we ought to keep "our dirty laundry"...out of the common knowledge of the rank and file. I wonder if they really are promoting this out of "loyalty to the Cause", OR because THEY stink just as badly as those whom we expose? Myself? Well, I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 15, 2003
ANP Report for November 11, 2003
Racial Comrades: *** Rocky, Commander Rockwell believed in political action. It's time for the ANP to offer candidate for President and Vice President in 2004. Just think what a way to start the 21st Century with an ANP candidate for national office winning at this stage is not important but free publicity is. Ballot status is possible in about 17 states and write in status in 20 more. Tennessee requires 1 elector and only 25 signatures of registered voters. You are the closest thing to the original ANP- so here your chance to do what GLR never did- … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 11, 2003
ANP Report for November 02, 2003
Racial Comrades: One of the best things about being myself, is that I am not one to seek "popularity" if that means going along with the herd, and/or "being a nice guy" when you know the DIFFERENCE between RIGHT and WRONG...GOOD and BAD...and not accepting idiocy, cowardice and corruption in the overworked name of "unity." Living in Metro Detroit, where we have the LARGEST concentration of arabs outside the entire Middle East...it is a given, that I dislike this alien invasion of what was ONCE..."MY LAND." That being said, I have to give the "arab … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 02, 2003
ANP Report for October 27, 2003
Racial Comrades: Well, the "news" lately has almost been enough to want to make most "NORMAL" folks pack it in. Lucky I guess, that I'm simply not "normal"! lol On the ADL website, in the "Law Enforcement" section, I read that four more "skinheads" (one a young woman who just beat a "hate crimes" rap) got busted outside ANOTHER frigging BAR...for beating on a negro patron. Seems just as they started in on him, there was a cop car a few yards away making a traffic stop. OH WELL....will insanity never end? When will these people first off realize that … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 27, 2003
ANP Report for October 17, 2003
Racial Comrades: Being a National Socialist and not some kind of a right-wing reactionary, I understand that my IDEOLOGY involves much more than simply the "Racial Issue". Unlike most other "racialist organizations", the American Nazi Party IS concerned about SOCIAL JUSTICE for WHITE WORKING CLASS people, the people whom we believe "make or break" revolutions against the "powers that be" within any given state or nation. People who make up the wealthy class, for the large part...HAVE...an interest in upholding that system, whereas the very … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 17, 2003
ANP Report for October 12, 2003
Racial Comrades: Being a National Socialist and not some kind of a right-wing reactionary, I understand that my IDEOLOGY involves much more than simply the "Racial Issue." Unlike most other "racialist organizations," the American Nazi Party IS concerned about SOCIAL JUSTICE for WHITE WORKING CLASS people, the people whom we believe "make or break" revolutions against the "powers that be" within any given state or nation. People who make up the wealthy class, for the large part...HAS...an interest in upholding … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 12, 2003
ANP Report for October 06, 2003
Racial Comrades: Do you remember that old rock & roll song that had the refrain " ...and the beat goes on...," over and over tirelessly? Well, the recent U.S.Census report from DANIEL WEINBURG...who "oversees the bureau's housing and household economic statistics department" (love those titles!) stated a few days ago, that "official poverty levels" INCREASED to 12.1 percent of the population (remember, these are the "official" stats- there's a hell of a lot more borderline and otherwise that are ignored or fall through the bean counters … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 06, 2003
ANP Report for September 26, 2003
Racial Comrades: Often we are asked "why do we want to subjugate non-Whites," or "what gives you the right to expel all the negroes from America, when they have lived here for generations," etc, and ad nauseam. Well, today I'd like to set the record straight, at least from MY viewpoint...on "what it is" that I am striving for. #1 Being a RACIAL SEPARATIST, I DO NOT wish to "subjugate, make a slave of, or even HAVE AROUND"....ANY Non-White in MY "homeland"...except as a "guest, visitor, or tourist," and even then...ONLY in extremely limited numbers, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 26, 2003
ANP Report for September 21, 2003
Racial Comrades: According to "Forbes Magazine", the ECONOMY is IMPROVING for America's RICHEST PEOPLE. The Total Net Worth of these bloodsucking parasites, ROSE 10%...to $955 BILLION DOLLARS this year from 2002, in their latest ranking of the nation's "400 wealthiest individuals." Having said that, I'd like to share an experience I had yesterday as I went weekly grocery shopping at the local Food-Monster. After returning cans, and shuffling through coupons, trying to save a few bucks and adding up every item, so as not to "go over our budget"...I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 21, 2003
ANP Report for September 13, 2003
Racial Comrades: Lord, does our "movement" LOVE diverting junk! Recently I received a message from a Comrade (one of many such that we get on a regular basis) which contained a "link" to another website selling..."U.S. Army Surplus" crap. There was the inevitable "Blond female" dressed up in an "outfit," holding the ONLY item that they DIDN'T offer...a WEAPON. Now friends, let me explain myself. Having "toys" to play with and fondle is of course fun, and for MOST of you reading this...a pretty "harmless" pastime. BUT, haven't YOU been READING what I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 13, 2003