Racial Comrades: Today, I’m not going to give you a rousing, kick-ass speech about the coming New Year – just some thoughts and clinkers, that might answer a few of the many questions and statements that you send me everyday.
First off – “RON PAUL”. Its very strange to me how many right-wing reactionaries still cling to the notion that “we can vot’em out of power”…especially utilizing the SYSTEM APPROVED CANDIDATES that are prancing about on the “campaign stage” like that freakish jew “Tiny Tim”. Look people, IF ANY of these creatures were honestly “FOR US” in any teeny tiny way – they WOULDN’T BE CANDIDATES of the tweedle-dee/tweedledum Judeo-Capitalist parties – would they? So stop all the idiotic wishful thinking!
Back when I was a kid, I remember the right-wingers being given a JEW – “BARRY GOLDWATER” – as “THEIR HERO”. And Rockwell did his best, to clearly show – THAT GOLDWATER WAS A SYSTEM PLANT, to give “hope” to the angry White Man and let him
“blow off steam” in a useless effort of trying to get him elected. Still the reactionaries condemned Rockwell – for his FACTS! Go figure.
Its like this Comrades – IF one of these candidates simply would answer “THE” question – DO YOU SUPPORT THE 14 WORDS ( WE MUST SECURE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE AND A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN ) with a YES. I would say they deserve
Aryan support. IF they would simply say – “I AM PROUD TO BE WHITE” – I would say, for this little instance alone ( and could ANYTHING be MORE “unhateful” or “racist”? ) that they might be worthy of support as a “soft one of us”. BUT – THEY DON’T and NEVER WILL – BECAUSE, THEY ARE NOT “ONE OF US”! How plainer can it be?
To see “white nationalists”, and even supposedly “hard-core NS types”…pounding the drums for a guy who OPENLY DIS-ASSOCIATES HIMSELF FROM OUR BELIEFS…is something that I have only two answers for – #1 they are agents of the system who are put into our ranks to MISLEAD and MISDIRECT the Aryan Opposition into useless wasting of what limited resources the Struggle has, as is currently happening, OR #2 they are STUPID DIEHARD right-wing reactionaries, who while they “talk big” about “revolution against Zog”…STILL HAVE FAITH AFTER DECADES OF BEING BURNED BY “GREAT WHITE HOPES” ( Goldwater, Wallace, Buchanan, et al ) that the “SYSTEM STILL WORKS”, and that after all – we “can vote ourselves out of this mess” – with the help of a PERSON WHO IS ALREADY A PART OF THIS EVIL, CORRUPT JUEDO-CAPITALIST SYSTEM! Insane? YES! This is like a small businessman who is being shaken down by the mob for “protection money”…who goes to one of the gang…and thinks he’ll get help from HIM?! WTF? So you guess these peoples “MOTIVATION” – I wouldn’t give Ron Paul any money or support anymore than I would Clinton – they are ALL – BIRDS OF A FEATHER – some just throw a FEW crumbs of bullshit – what the reactionaries are interested in, their way ( in TALK, of course…WHAT have they been DOING, all these years while their noses have been in the PUBLIC TROUGH?… ) – and they get all lit up like a kid who gets a smile from a pretty girl, because she WANTS something from you. Are you so simple-minded that you can’t figure it out?
Comrades, BEWARE THE AGENTS SENT IN AMONG YOU BY THE ENEMY – like the proverbial Devil – the enemy is smart enough to give them “PLEASING SHAPES” and “FORKED TONGUES” intelligent enough to make you ( who are desperate enough ) want to
“believe in them”. Surely, BY NOW – we have ALL – been burned enough by PHONIES posing as “OUR SECRET FRIENDS” – to not be naive enough to be TAKEN IN AGAIN.
Next, I thought that the recent attempt by Zog to establish one of their sock-puppets, in Pakistan – this Butto Bitch – shows clearly, that the Arab/Moslim world in not going to be so easy a nut for Judeo-Capitalism to crack. She was such a “populist”, that her SON is now installed as the head of her Party – at the age of 19! LOL Hey! Like the Kennedy’s, the Rockefellers, the Bush’s…it’s a FAMILY thing. lol
For years, Uncle Samuel has installed its puppets around the globe as “leaders” of various nations. This time, unlike in the Ukraine and elsewhere – the locals gave ZOG a clear and clean-cut answer to its provocation. Soooo, now we have a situation where a Moslim/Anti-Zionist land – that HAS nuclear capacity – is going to be pretty pissed off at the smirking kike in the silly Top Hat. Good! Perhaps OTHERS might take example of what occurred in Pakistan, and follow it’s example in dealing with provocateurs sent in by the Red/White/and Jew, eh? Old Zog, has finally met a people in whom FANATICISM hasn’t DIED, and in whom a healthy HATRED for EVIL lives! No, not ALL the people of the world are as milk-toast and whimpy as the tired old White man has allowed himself to degenerate into – these people STILL BELIEVE IN “SOMETHING” – right or wrong – and that’s more than can be said about the MAJORITY of Old Whitey! And Uncle Zog – they DO have the BOMB. So goes “sharing the White mans gifts with every crawling creature on the face of the earth, for the betterment of mankind”, eh? LOL
It comes back eventually to BITE YOU ON THE ASS friends – as well, we have yet to face the coming wrath of RED CHINA, and we WILL rest assured – for BUILDING HER UP IN STRENGTH AND CAPABILITY…all in the name of “MORE PROFITS” for those 3% of the
American population who control 85% of its wealth, and who are already WEALTHY beyond the imagination. And “WHO” suffers for Judeo-Capitalism’s insatiable GREED and WORLD CONQUEST? Read on…
I’m writing to you, not so much for sympathy, because you come across as a regular guy who gives a Goddam_. I’m mourning for my older brother. He’s been killed in Iraq. I don’t have the details, they’re classified. Can you explain to me why he had to fight, and now die? What possible good will come from it? He wasn’t a liberal, but he wasn’t a racist either. He was just a quiet, hard working family man. His unit got called up, and a 41 year old man with wife and kids has to go to war. For what purpose? Our country wasn’t being attacked by Iraq. They were supposed to be a possible threat. What about the very real threats to our jobs. Our chance of being able to survive. The way whites are becoming a minority in their own country. Frankly, I don’t need you and your web site to tell me that. I see it every time I go grocery shopping.
It may sound callous, but I don’t care about other people’s loss. I’m feeling mine. Why did I have to lose a loved one? He was serving his country, supposedly. Why can’t Iraq solve their own problems? I don’t care if they massacre each other. It’s not worth an American life. Will his kids not having a father help win the war? I want a reason why he had to die. I need a reason. A decent, hard working, church going man has lost his life. WHY! Our country was only supposed to fight in self defense. We’re the good guys. We never start trouble. Yet we invade to overthrow some tyrant. Big deal. The people in charge now, just bicker and even fight each other. Will they re-pay our help? Europe didn’t, and I feel they’re far more close to us then these people from a totally alien culture.
Sure he volunteered, but it was to defend this country, not fight in a war nobody even understands. Everyone I talk to feels we shouldn’t be there. So how come we’re still there. My uncle fought in Korea. He had a tough tour of duty. He’s lucky he made it. I see some shady business man got elected President. I had relatives get shot up in Vietnam. I’m just a regular citizen who wants a country at peace, and her people staying alive. You grow up respecting the flag, ready to defend your country, being law abiding hard working. Do your best to raise your kids decent. Then you get the message how you’ve lost a loved one. Without any reason that makes sense. There is no reason anyone can tell me that will justify this death. There is nothing in this world worse then dying a useless, meaningless death.
If anyone thinks getting a flag, and message from the President, can take the hurt away, they’re very much mistaken. Am I bitter? YES! Why shouldn’t I be? Our country is sending its soldiers off to fight in wars. Instead of defending our homes, we’re shedding our blood, and even dying for a cause we don’t even understand or care about.
I’m sorry, I just can’t go on. I’m feeling too much hurt.
Thanks for your time. I needed to talk to somebody, and you’re the only one I know who won’t give me propaganda slogans as comfort for my pain.
Craig F.
Comrades, this year is going to be a year of great OPPORTUNITY for the American Nazi Party – IF we can get our act together and take advantage of it. The “other” so-called NS orgs out there are virtually GONE. Bill Weiss’s irrational mouth got himself into such a world of hurt that for all intent and purpose, he and a few dysfunctional, ass-kissers are limited to attempting to gain wild “headlines” through making outlandish statements over at the “VNN” wateringhole, where ZOG has more informants, agents and provocateurs in action, than well-meaning but naive “newbies” who think that they are “doing something”, by wasting time chatting with each other endlessly on topics that could create a few decent programs for the Twilight Zone. Of course, that DOES keep them BUSY – from engaging in something SERIOUS – that ZOG might NOT wish them to be engaged in…as well, it’s a great method to gather INFORMATION about “WHOMEVER” and “WHAT THEY REALLY BELIEVE”, eh? AVOID such places – they are DANGEROUS places that serve no REAL purpose, in our REAL WORLD Struggle.
The National Satanist Movement has been completely gutted, humourously from WITHIN itself. While certainly www.zogsnightmare.com is NOT a National Socialist website from any serious angle – except from the image of the “Hollywood Nazi” mind ( note that its creator WAS a high “nsm officer” at one time ) – it still is interesting if you desire the latest “SCOOP” about the “nsm’s” demise. Good riddance to something that only a jew would have been happy to have seen created in its disgusting distortion of true National Socialism! I suppose the “music/business” end of it will potter on, as the Kommander needs cash to save up for that alarm-clock he’ll be needing soon…
The “breakaway” grouplets from “nsm’s” destruction are all pathetic, and are simply sad attempts at continued PLAY-ACTING by those few involved – and will not last out the year. What valued elements that did exist within these groups are already making their way over to the ANP, some are being accepted, others are not. Its going on a case by case basis.
This now leaves the American Nazi Party as the ONLY serious, viable representative of National Socialism left in America. Now, hopefully after literally decades – SOMETHING SERIOUS AND POSITIVE CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED. So lets get to work! The ONLY thing HOLDING US BACK from REALISTIC ADVANCEMENT – WILL BE OURSELVES. IF we don’t all pitch in, and “DO” what “NEEDS TO BE DONE” – well, it will be our own fault.
As Party Chairman. I’m willing to lead as far as the RE$OURCES and PEOPLE that are made available can go. I cannot make a “silk purse out of a sows ear”. I honestly believe that we CAN achieve this goal. While it IS distasteful to have to mention this – its “my job as Chairman” ( sigh ) – the past couple months, because of the “holiday spending” ( I suppose ), many ANP Comrades have not kept current on their support. Others came through as the National Socialist Party Comrades that they are – I sincerely thank all of you. The Party simply cannot “function” properly
without funding, anymore than a household can. Without “added” or growing support, we cannot PROGRESS and ADD new activities that you all desire to see happen. Obviously, I shouldn’t need to say more. Those of you behind in your pledges, please get current – the Party is planning to hold its First Party Congress in 2008 – and bluntly, ONLY those Comrades in Good-Standing will be invited/deserve to attend. The ANP doesn’t seek “quantity” in numbers – rather, QUALITY in its adherents – everyone of us, whether Chairman, Full Member, S.A. Man or simply Official Supporter – has the SAME “cog on the wheel” purpose and value, and the same
RESPONSIBILITY towards OUR organization and its promotion. There is simply no room in the ANP for a “free ride”, or a fantasy-seeking “fun time”. This is NOT a “club” OR a “hobby” – we are for “REAL” in our beliefs and the determination to gain them. If that’s not “your thing”, don’t bother us.
I will mention here once more that you may receive an ANP Info Pack for a $5 donation. You may receive a subscription to our monthly magazine The White Worker for a $20 donation. To join us, please review the “support” section of our website. ALL ANP mailings are done in a plain, brown unmarked security envelope. CASH or MONEY ORDER ONLY – MADE OUT TO “ANP”. NO “personal checks” please! Lets make 2008 a year of real progress for National Socialism in America!
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannziparty.com