Happy New Year to all – even non-Whites and even Jews. This year may prove to be either very exciting, and just a big fat disappointment. I’m speaking, of course of the Trump presidency. Either he’ll do very little, as most mainstream politicians do, or he’ll keep as many of his promises as possible. I won’t be disappointed because I expect Trump do very little that will make a positive change. Am I wrong? We’ll have to wait and see.
One of the things I’m waiting for is January 6 – the day the election is certified by the Senate. In anticipation of possible Left Wing demonstrations, the Capitol Building has already been cordoned off with chain link fence and no one is allowed in without a pass. It will remain this way until after Trump’s inauguration or until Congress orders it removed. Hmmm. I wonder why they didn’t do this four years ago.
The new Congress begins on Friday, Jan. 3. It will be a Republican majority and they could order the fence removed but I doubt they will. You see, the Republicans would prefer to prevent violent Leftists from rioting in the Capitol Building, unlike the Democrats who would rather let the Rightists riot so they could bust them on something as a weapon against their political opponents.
Well, the Democrats and Republicans are basically the same thing. They both have the same goals for this country. They’re just taking different roads to the same destination – a world government. I do believe the Republicans are smarter than the Democrats. It seems to me that in recent years, the Democrats have been accelerating their programs for the New World Order, while the Republicans have been taking it slow and steady. That’s the better way. If you tie a dog in the backyard on a 30 foot chain, and after a few days, cut that chain in half, the dog is going to notice. However, if you put him on a 30 foot chain and every week remove one link, the dog won’t notice until it’s too late. The first example are the Democrats. The second are the Republicans. They understand that success comes one step at a time, and in baby steps, not giant ones.
This is why we must not be lulled into the belief that they are our friends. They are not. My dad had a amusing way of putting it. He said to me, “Son, the Republicans will stab you in the back the first chance they get. The Democrats will shake your hand, call you pal, and then stab you in the back!” Good call, dad.
by Steve Davenport
Oue people electing Trump is a call for help. Our white Aryan people are fast becoming desperate for someone, anyone, to help save white Aryan civilization from non white, and liberal insanity. I for one, have NO desire to live in a black dominated nation. Add in the Hispanics, and white Aryan Interests goes out the window.
We MUST stop illegal immigration. If you don’t follow the rules, we don’t want you. Notice how in the old days of the 1920’s immigration, from Europe we got many good citizens, with skills and abilities, who were exceedingly law abiding.
Look what comes to our borders now. Latin American gang bangers. Drug cartels with virtual armies. Non whites who kill with no more thought than turning off a light. This is not what we want. Liberals try to tell us it is. They want an army of compliant servants. They’re fools.
They refuse to see how dangerous and primitive these people really are. WE need to defend our borders. We need to defend our land. We need to do SOMETHING to stop the rot. Electing Trump is only putting a bandaid on a festering wound. We must stop, and defeat the enemy liberal non white camp, lest white America be destroyed.
Help us while there is time. Become a supporter of ANP. Donate money. Donate your time to give out literature. If we fail to act now, we’d all better to learn to speak Spanish, and be prepared to have drug cartels running the show, while we worship in Santeria temples. Oue white Aryan existence is at stake. Let us unite in defense of our existence.
Well, that’s about it for this report. Stay say, hail victory, and happy New Year to all!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party