As Thanksgiving approaches, I think it’s appropriate that we all take a moment to reflect on all we have to be thankful for.
It’s true that this country has a lot of problems. However, we’re still better off here than in Europe or Canada. At least in this country we still have freedom of speech. The liberals are doing their best to silence us, but all they can do is try and prevent us from getting our message out. They can’t have us arrested just for speaking our minds – at least not yet unlike in some countries.
In the European Union, you can receive up to five years in prison for Holocaust denial. In the EU, if someone says to you, “Six million Jews were murdered.” And you respond, “I don’t believe that.” You’d better stop right there. It isn’t a crime to say you don’t believe in the Holocaust, but if you try and explain why, that’s Holocaust denial and that IS a crime.
In Canada they have a law which makes it a criminal offense to publicly say anything hateful about any identifiable group. It’s commonly referred to there as Section 13, because it’s a law covered by section 13 of the Canadian Civil Rights Act. An identifiable group would include, race, religion, nationality, LGBT, and other such groups. It would not apply if you publicly said, “I hate everyone who wears cowboy hats.” or “I hate everyone who drives Chevys.”
Maybe we do have a lot of problems, but we’re still better off here than anywhere else. Even our immigration problem isn’t as bad as it is in Europe. And in this country we have the opportunity to at least try and make a difference as long as we’re willing to make sacrifices and work hard enough.
What sacrifices have you made and how hard are you willing to work? In other words, what will it take to make you fight, White Man?!
Our Sinking Society
by Steve Davenport
Our moral, strong Aryan society is taking it on the chin. Just look at what Jewish Left liberalism is doing to it. Spreading recreational drug use. Thereby guaranteeing all sorts of problems like people driving while high. Isn’t it better to get Pepe off drugs than deeper into them?
Divorce has made marriage a joke. Nobody stays married. Now we rot like animals.
Feminism fills our women’s minds with anti man hatred. Say goodbye to the family. Homosexuaity is encouraged. Nowadays every movie and TV show has a gay/lesbian scene in it. Is this really natural? Where in nature do you see this? Harris is at the top of the liberal Dem ticket. A race mixer. Why are there three races? Must be for a reason. Race mixing brings out all the bad in a relationship. It poisons everything. Children used to be considered a blessing. Now children are merely a byproduct of sex. Just an annoyance.
Last but not least, abortion. Killing the unborn. Yet many women call for it. As I said, children are an annoyance to the type. National Socialism gave women Lebensborn, so women could have children in peace and comfort. Yet Nazism is called evil. Who is evil?
Become a supporter of ANP. Let’s get back to our normal, sane society. Donate Money. Donate your time to give out literature. Our Aryan civilization is under siege. We must resist and reform our government lest our precious Aryan ways go by the boards.
That’s about it for this time. Stay safe, Happy Thanksgiving, and hail victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party