Comrades, the last day for contributions to the November issue of the Party magazine is Sunday, November 10.
Just when you thought American politics could not get crazier, even the smallest gears in the print-broadcast-internet mass media machine are whirring full throttle, grinding down on the ineradicable granitic obsession with Hitler. The demented deluge of hyper-fallacious Hitler hysteria following yet another exposé of Trump’s arrantly foolish utterances has revealed all too clearly the depths of irreparable dissolution into which American democracy has sunk.
Although the story broke some few years back, namely that Trump wanted “his” generals to be more like “German generals,” it has now been publicly testified by the source, former Trump Chief of Staff and ex-Marine General John Kelly. In the past few days, more than a dozen of Kelly’s former White House staff have come forward to aver that the story is true. Kelly had asked Trump, “which generals do you mean? Bismarck’s generals?” Kelly said Trump did not know who Bismarck was. Kelly then asked, ‘You mean Kaiser Wilhelm’s generals?” Again Trump was stumped. “I mean Hitler’s generals. They were loyal to him!” was the president’s response. When Kelly mentioned that Field Marshall Rommel was suspected of participation in the July 1944 assassination plot to kill Hitler, Trump was -again- quizzical. “Who?” Yes, even the name Rommel did not register with the Commander in Chief. (Rommel was NOT involved, btw.) Now, I have a large number of friends who are military or ex-military. Honorable men. In fact, it is my honor to know them. They do not lie. I trust General Kelly’s sense of honor and veracity more than I do The Donald’s. This despite Miss Lindsey of South Carolina, once an admirer of the General, now a denigrator, among other such wimp Republicans leaping to Trump’s defense. Considering the fact that Trump, during a 2017 visit to Pearl Harbor, required Kelly to explain to him why he was standing over the wreck of the USS Arizona, the resting place for the remains of 1,102 sailors and Marines, should be a painful embarrassment for any American, that this small man was Commander in Chief and president, and like his Jewess playmate Laura Loomer, dumb as a box of rocks. Trump of course heard of the phrase “Pearl Harbor,” yet knew nothing of the actual history or the casualties.
Trump is totally ignorant of history. Dozens of his closest staffers have confirmed that fact. He does not read, — anything. His only source of information on any subject since his adolescence is television, and movies. Trump’s ideas about German generals and Hitler come from Hollywood, in other words, he is just another typical insecure fanboy of the Hollywood Hitler. Trump is a consciously, mentally fluctuant poseur tycoon who seeks validation and a publicly displayed self-esteem by association with images –especially Hollywood images– of power.
Talking heads everywhere, even those on the Right, are regurgitating the big lie of Hitler’s Big Lie vs. Trump’s Big Lie. The Left labels Trump’s assertions of voter fraud and ballot theft in the 2020 election as his Big Lie. (He so fumbled the written data, the reports of irregularities presented to him –“too much to read” he said– he just dribbled at press conferences with his usual stream-of-consciousness motormouth, mumbled summaries, “facts” told to him by Giuliani. Thus he never built what may have been a stronger case.)
The Right labels the Left’s Big Lie assertions as the real Big Lie. You know, just like Hitler advocated. But then the Left also gathers up the rotting chestnuts of dismembered words shaken out of Mein Kampf over the years to prove that Trump and his cronies are faithfully employing Hitlerian teachings on Lying as Tactic.
Nothing infuriates us National Socialists more than this Big Lie Routine, twisting Hitler’s warnings against its prevalent use among members of the Jewish media, Marxist-Left academics and social commentators. Hitler was not proposing the Big Lie as a propaganda method to deceive the public, but warning against it; he was alerting us to the fact that the biggest liars are often taken at their word if only for the sheer audacity of their misrepresentations.
That is all we hear this past week. Hitler and Trump, soulmates. The cable chatter shows haul out dog-faced Timothy Snyder, author of On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, a bestseller (!) since 2021, who tells us about all the warning signs visible since Trump’s initial triumph in 2016, signs of impending –oh no!– fascism. Supposedly an expert who has read German source material in the original language, Snyder cannot pronounce the word Führer correctly. Just another dreary anti-Nazi off-the-shelf conformist “authority.”
Regardless of who wins the November 5 election, White people will be stuck in the same social and economic doldrums. Which candidate or party will be more accelerationist towards White interests is up for debate. Will Trump actually deliver beyond the White nationalism only implied in his campaign? Will Kamala and Krew get Whites so razzled they will actively seek more radical support for their rights? With both parties vying for more and more minority voters, there is no good vibe emanating from those actions, not for White folks anyway.
The November TWW cover attached reflects this dilemma.

Your articles, comments, letters, artwork…everything is welcome
88s from HAK