I’m sure that each and every one of us has felt that our struggle is futile at one time or another. We have all wondered at one point if we are wasting our time or not. I too, have felt this. One of the ways I rally myself is by simply telling myself that if we fail, it won’t be because of me. Even if our movement completely dies out, I will have done my part. That’s all any of us can do – our part. When all of us (and I do mean all of us) do our parts then we could be a force to be reckoned with. Also, even if this generation makes no headway, at the very least we are keeping the flame of National Socialism alive so it can be passed to the next. Each generation is a link in a chain. If one link breaks, the entire chain could fall apart.
Even Commander Rockwell himself had doubts from time to time. I often wonder what he was thinking when he was sitting in the booby hatch after an involuntary commitment, waiting for those head shrinking doctors to tell him if he was a looney or not. He surely had doubts then.
One of the things we must do is talk to people. I don’t mean we show up sporting a Swastika and shouting Sieg Heil. That alone is off putting to many and will instantly close their minds to anything we have to say. We need to talk to them about current political problems – of which there is no shortage. Bear in mind, what’s important to one, may not matter to another. First, you must find out what is most important to whoever you’re speaking to. If they are out of work or poor, speak to them of the economy. If they are afraid, speak to them of their fears. Above all, never speak down to them. No one likes to be spoken down to like they are children or idiots. Speak to them on their level and in their language. I don’t mean French or Spanish. I mean speak to them the way they speak. If they are not well educated, don’t use a lot of fancy words. It will not impress them. Indeed, they may think you’re a prentious blow hard. Use the kind of words they use. Speak to them as if you are one of them. If they are educated, speak to them in an educated way. This may be a problem if you haven’t been to college, but if you have, never hesitate to let other college graduates or students know that you too are educated. If you are not a college graduate, either avoid the college crowd, or just speak as plainly and as intelligently as possible. Being educated doesn’t make you intelligent. Any boob can memorize the multiplication tables. Any numbskull can learn algebra. The trick is, can one apply that knowledge to real life situations? That’s the key to telling if one is intelligent. It’s knowledge that you are able to apply to real life, and not just memorizing what a textbook or a teacher tells you. That means the uneducated can be as, or even more intelligent than the educated. Who do you think is smarter, a plumber or mechanic who makes enough to buy a house, a car (I prefer trucks and motorcycles), and to support their children, or some airhead who went to college and majored in African Studies and can’t find a job in his field, owes $100,000 in student loans, and lives with mommy and daddy?
I am reminded of something I read in GLR’s book, “White Power”.
A look of unbelieving wonder came over his blue eyes, even through his “shades,” as I talked to him of what we really were and why we had given up everything of fun in life to fight for our nation and White Race.
Little by little, I began to get the story out of him. He was only seventeen years old, and had lived an entire lifetime. He’d done everything, tried all kicks, and was already bored to death with an empty life. He’d made a mistress out of his art teacher, he’d run a den of degeneracy and debauchery called “Mule’s Pad” where the local beats and wild crowds did anything, including enjoy dope. He’d shot a man, gotten off, and lived as fast and hard as he could until finally, he contemplated suicide in utter despair of finding ANYTHING worth doing any more – all this at seventeen! Before he committed suicide, he told me, he decided to come to see the Nazi “cats,” figuring it might be one last kick.
What he found, unexpectedly, was what every human being needs to survive this life: A PURPOSE – something which gives life more meaning than a constant search for more pleasure and kicks.
This so-called “Beatnik” got clean and sober, and ended up joining the Stormtroopers and became one of GLR’s most trusted officers. GLR spoke to him on his level and in his language and slowly got through to him. Not only did he give this kid a purpose in life, but most probably saved his life. If each of us can reach just one person like this Beatnik, then we have most definitely made a valuable contribution to the movement.
The commander hit the nail square on the head when he said,
Only a united White Race, supremely conscious of its natural destiny, a destiny bequeathed it in the gift of superior birth, as a master race, a noble race able to create the wonders of Western Culture – only such a united race can muster the will and the strength to restore order to a world in the process of suicide and disintegration.
And yet, faced by the most hideous threat of all times, outnumbered ten to one, we find ourselves disorganized, demoralized, wallowing in defeatism, crawling at the feet of our own destroyers, and losing strength every moment. It is easy to fall prey to despair.
But there is another element in this cosmic crap game which must be taken into account if we are to make a correct judgment about the survival of our people and culture is the fact of the Jewish-Negroid-Mongoloid threat. That element is timing – or, if you will, destiny.
The mighty White Race is brainwashed, filled with suicidal self-hatred, crazy about its deadly enemies, trivialized, doped up on drugs and lies, and apparently rushing headlong toward oblivion.
That is just eerie. It was like he actually saw into the future because that is what has indeed happened. Rockwell was sharp enough to see all of this when it was just beginning and difficult to notice. The only way you can miss it today is if you are living in a cave with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears while singing a happy tune.
Comrades, it’s all up to us. No one else. We have to keep the dream alive. If we don’t, then we are nothing but the walking dead. We just haven’t laid down yet.
Too Close for Comfort
by Steve Davenport
White Africa is no more. Whites have been run out of Rhodesia. Now it is happening in South Africa. Soon it will be our turn. The liberal left Dems think an open border policy is great. All these mud people flooding in will be great, because they work cheap. This is just the thinking that doomed White Africa. If we let in all these so called immigrants we’ll be guaranteeing our own destruction. They will impose their language on us – Spanish. They will IMPOSE their religion of Catholicism. Their ways are alien to us. It will be like we Aryans were on another planet. Consider: Once in power, what is there to keep them from imposing dictatorships like in their homelands? Democracy means nothing to them. The US will become just another narco state, just like south of the border (down Mexico way).
Help us prevent this. Join ANP as a supporter. Donate money . Donate your time to give out literature. Help prevent us from sharing White Africa’s fate. Help us save White Aryan civilization. This is a great country. I’d hate to see it run by MS-13 and other narco drug gangs. We deserve far better. Our kids deserve far better.
Well, that’s about it for this time. Stay safe and hail victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party