Well, they did it. They subpoenaed Trump to testified before their Witch Hunt Committee. Trump has agreed to testify on the condition it is done on live TV. That way the Liberal news media cannot edit it in such a way that makes it sound damning to Trump by showing things out of context or editing our certain words. Very smart of our former president.
I’m not certain if the committee has accepted the terms. If they don’t, Trump will throw up every obstacle he can. If he does, I’m sure they’ll get him there eventually. If I was Trump, unless we were on live TV, I would ask if I could address the committee for five minutes or less before I was sworn in for testifying. They would almost certainly agree because it would make them seem unreasonable to refuse such a small request. I would say to them, “Ladies and gentlemen of the committee. I asked to speak now before any questions are asked of me in the hopes of expediting these proceedings. I’d like to see this get over as quickly as possible, and with that in mind, I thought I would tell you in advance that whenever a question is asked, I will respond with these words from the U.S. Constitution: I respectfully decline to answer on the grounds I may incriminate myself. You can ask all your questions if you so choose, but I will take the Fifth every time. You will learn nothing from me, so these proceedings are a complete waste of time.”
Everyone has the right to Fifth Amendment protection – including the evil Donald Trump. That’s why I say this is all a ridiculous circus and they will not learn anything from Trump that they don’t already know. If they had any evidence, wouldn’t he have been indicted by now? And if they do have some kind of evidence, once he goes to trial (the committee will not be trying him, it will be in a real court room), the presiding judge just might rule that some or all of the documents seized at Mar-A-Lago are inadmissible on the grounds they were obtained illegally (or some other legal grounds) and probably dismiss the case.
If I were Trump or his attorney, I would look into the possibility of letting the government come to court with a weak case and let it play out to the end, rather than ask for the charges to be dismissed. If the charges are dismissed, the government can try again at a later time. However, if Trump lets it play out to the end and is acquitted, the government can never try him for insurrection again because of another clause in the Fifth Amendment – a little thing called Double Jeopardy. Once someone has been tried and acquitted, he can never be tried again for the same offense. Technically, he can’t be tried again even if he was convicted.
Trump is not a fool. He may be an egomaniac and a Jew lover, but he’s not a fool. He knows exactly what he’s doing and if he doesn’t, his lawyers do. These proceedings are only serving to make him a hero to his supporters. If he is somehow convicted and gets any prison time, he’ll be elevated to the status of a martyr.
I hate to burst the Liberal’s bubble (actually, I don’t) but if by some miracle they manage to convict him and send him to prison, he also has a legal right to what is known as “Alternative Sentencing”. That means he can go to one of those privately owned detention facilities where the inmate pays the fees. These places are like country clubs with a prison wall around it. I’ll bet there are some that even have golf courses. You know how much Trump loves golf. It will be like a long rest retreat for him. As someone once said, “If you strike a man with a whip and he likes it, he’s making a fool out of you.”
When this is all said and done, Trump will come out smelling like a rose. Considering it’s Donald Trump, probably more like a snapdragon!
Stay safe and Hail Victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi party