Great news! For those of you who have not read this in The White Worker, our merchandise is on the site store and ready for sale. Just click on SUPPORT/JOIN, and when the drop down appears, click on SHOP and you’re there. There are three items for sale at this time. The yard signs are not offered yet but will be soon! If you have any trouble placing an order, contact us at and we will be happy to assist you. Thanks in advance for supporting the ANP.
I did want to make you all aware of something. There is a nut ball Leftist group going around deflating the tires on SUVs. They don’t slash them, they just let the air out. They say that SUVs are totally unnecessary and are a major contributor to climate change. They call themselves SUV Tyre Extinguishers. The use the British spelling because the group started in Great Britain, but has now spread to the United States. These guys are not dummies. They let the air out of your tires to inconvenience you, but they don’t actually damage them. That way if they get caught, they’ll get a slap on the wrist and won’t have to buy you a new set of tires. If you own an SUV and have found your tires deflated, you now know the reason. I just wanted to give you a heads up.
The Left is still going on about the SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade. I can’t believe how many of those idiots actually believe that abortion has been outlawed. It has not. At least not nationwide. The matter of abortion has been returned to the states as it should be. No medical procedure or even medical care is a guaranteed right in the U.S. Constitution. That being said, the Tenth Amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Simply put, any matter that is not covered by the Constitution is a state’s rights issue and will be decided by state governments or voted on by the people.
When I lived in California (the Bluest state) and I complained about their Liberal laws and policies, I was told that if I didn’t like it, I should move to a Red State. Fair enough. But now the tables have turned. Those who live in Red States and want abortion should move to a Blue state. States like California, New York, Washington, and Illinois will never outlaw abortion. It may not be as easy for some to obtain one as it used to be, but who said life was supposed to be easy? If someone told you that they were lying.
One last thing. As the weather is still nice, you should be out there distributing literature. It’s still not too hot, but August is just a couple of weeks away and August tends to be miserable. And of course there’s the old saying, “When summer comes, winter is not far behind.” Especially for those of us up north, it will be cooling off before we know it. Let’s not waste the nice weather and get out and do your part for the cause.
Well, that’s about it for this report. Have a great rest of July, and don’t forget about next month’s dues. Hail Victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party