The April 14, 2019 edition of the ANP Report began an analysis of conditions and attitudes within the various groups and movements loosely defined as White Nationalist. The outlook for the White race is worse than grim, and the state of viable, political White Nationalism is just as dismal. Nearly every political manifestation of White Nationalism has at its core a vainglorious leader who believes that he alone can lead us to salvation. These entities come and go leaving nothing but disappointment and grudges in their wake. Many of us have been through this disheartening experience more than once.
And then we are ambushed by another lone wolf WN type who wandered into the wrong places looking for information, feedback and/or support for the feelings developing within him, a grating sensation that what he sees all around him, what he is taught in school, what he has rammed down his throat by popular media and its anti-White reductionist pop history, that all these things swell up into an anger that has no practical, immediate release. He is pulled into the dimmest fringe areas of the internet in his search for truth and racial redemption, only to have his anger morphed into a festering hate. Hate becomes a burden, filled with schemes and frustrations. He resorts to needed relief from the agonies and burden of hate through the use of a gun, mowing down people in a spectacle of what the media loves to promote: Hate Porn. “See! All the White Supremacists are hate-filled crazies!” And we inherit the wind.
In addition to the socially corrosive anti-White promotions of multi-culturalism, diversity, unconditional tolerance (except for heterosexual White males), denunciations of White patriarchy, we National-Socialists must battle our own misguided orphaned souls who fall victim to the unreasoned hatreds promoted by faux “Nazis” and whacko “Christian patriots.” Real National-Socialism is a philosophy of life expressed and attained through personal discipline, positive political and social organization, not through fits of anger degenerating into acts of violence our enemies can, time and again, label as hate. The synagogue shooter in Poway, California, is an intelligent, musical, solid young White man who allowed his anger to be used by the false advocates of “Nazi” expression wallowing in notions of revenge, bloodshed and brutality. No one will draw wider White support for our cause by shooting a gun into a crowd of civilians. A real National-Socialist is tougher than that, and will use any weapon at hand, fist or pistol, in SELF DEFENSE. The Storm Troopers of Nazi Germany were an organized, repeat ORGANIZED army of defenders in an era when political rallies were beset by red rioters and provocateurs, just as we have today in the well-funded Antifa misfits, a genuine enemy. Indeed, the Antifa and similar anti-national groups in Germany are funded by taxpayer money! The head of one such “anti-hate” structure is the red-headed Jewess Annette Kahane of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the Kahane Foundation. In the US several liberal NGOs such as the Open Society Foundation fund the masked Antifa through legitimate sounding social support entities, as in Germany. A lame attempt to pass a federal law that would give violent masked demonstrators a 15 year jail sentence languishes in the House Judiciary Committee. Some state laws already on the books were passed decades ago to jail masked demonstrators, namely the Klan. The Antifa gangs remain untouched. They are not so much to be feared as to be pitied in those cases where some White person is duped into believing that supporting a Jewish and unabashed Communist resurgence through participation in Antifa antics is an act which champions the rights of humankind.

Within the past week, in reaction to the synagogue shooting, several new measures have been taken to remove the presence of pro-White advocates from the internet, not only Facebook (a clever, insidious marketing and surveillance trap from its inception), but also Amazon (more title deletions added to those from last year and the year before, submitting to pressures from Jewish and liberal interests, when once Amazon was free of any censorship), Go-Daddy and similar host outfits, college campus organizations both fraternal and political, along with tinfoil hat everything-is-a-conspiracy numbnuts celebrities like Alex Jones.
In such an atmosphere we NS and WN defenders must own up to the undeniable fact that we do not have the power to effectively demonstrate or campaign or publicly declaim our earnest and heartfelt beliefs without the threat of job loss, family ostracism, rejection by friends, dispossession, jail or even death. We are not strong enough yet. We are not on the whole — ORGANIZED. No amount of risible uniformed protests or dreams of White secession or gun violence will bring White people together. No fake nationalist like Trump can sustain the energy of unity or seriously support effective survival of White culture. Trump is compromised by and beholden to his Jewish financiers and to Israel. He is a man who proclaims to this day that the odious, unctuous Jew schemer Roy Cohn is his mentor. We must stop depending on present day political personalities to ease our way forward. We must stop diluting our collected power, yes our WHITE POWER, by participation in weak-willed, racially compromised and cowardly conservative or generic right wing efforts that either deny a Nazi connection or pervert it. Lincoln Rockwell made that point repeatedly through his life as a real, successful, publicly prominent National-Socialist. He was NO conservative!
In order to even BEGIN to succeed we must first find one another, as stated in the previous ANP Report. There is NO White redemption in unbridled anger. There is NO future in dim reflections of past NS glory in the form of some semi-literate Nazi uniformed mini-Führer and his ephemeral band of often sincere but misled followers. We do not hate indiscriminately, but we are righteously angry. No one among us will accomplish anything by shooting a gun and depriving us of his otherwise valued and productive presence in our ranks while he rots in jail. The prospective recruit in California who will never see light of day again, because he wasted his White Power in a cold blooded murder of a prototypical Jewish Mother in her synagogue. Finding truth is not at the fringe. It is in National-Socialism….and we of the ANP are RIGHT HERE! Easy to find!
So an ANP newcomer asks: What can I do to help? How is the ANP going to develop within the legal and commercial constraints growing ever tighter, seeking to knock us down once and for all? First, read. Mein Kampf, This Time the World, White Power, these are the foundation of your activism, all available FREE on the ANP website. Make it a point to discuss history and current events, cultural matters and entertainment trends with family, friends and co-workers, so that you learn where the real concerns of people lie, unfettered by the proscriptions of imposed political correctness. Out in the wilds of the internet there are many surprisingly good, accurate NS websites exploring the history of National-Socialism. Examine these to pick up ideas and to learn the difference between the genuine ideals given us by Adolf Hitler versus those appropriated and distorted by the political equivalent of Monday Morning quarterbacks, writers and commentators who second guess Hitler and seek to “improve” or “update” his truths. It is important to learn that difference, and the many flavors of internet NS expositions will allow one to confidently separate reality from fantasy. Unsure? Come back to the ANP website!
Activism also means you must be ACTIVE in pursuing personal alliances with like-minded people, choosing the best to form cadres or cells from which you can begin spreading the word. For example, literature distributions in White neighborhoods using the got-your-back buddy system. Never go out alone. A used or refurbished laser printer and just one ream of paper can be effective propaganda tools if you distribute ANP leaflets properly, i.e. not in black neighborhoods just to rile the denizens there, not in Jewish areas, not in churches or private office buildings, but in White areas and small towns especially affected by political maneuvers and so-called tax cuts contrived to benefit only the one percent. The leaflets are, again, FREE to download on the ANP website. Amend them to fit your own hometown, driving a point important to local folk (but please submit such amendments to the ANP staff for approval first). It is not difficult to make it a point where every day you talk up the NS viewpoint with someone, in person or online. And do it fearlessly, if only as “devil’s advocate” to begin a dialog where you can use your knowledge to confound the tired propaganda wielded against our Führer and his unparalleled social and economic achievements in a Germany nearly annihilated by the Versailles Treaty. You must be willing to take the grief or rejection along with the satisfaction that comes each time you begin to turn someone away from the real progenitors of hate: the liberal and Jewish elite which promotes hatred of the entire White race.
The ANP is doing its level best to forge a dynamic US membership, establish European alliances with proven, stable NS organizations so that the future of the White race will be guaranteed at least the CHOICE of survival by enabling an NS world view. The ANP CANNOT march ahead without YOUR support, YOUR input, YOUR commitment to educating people about the NS program, thereby promoting a comradeship of mutual support that arises from common cause for ALL our people, a defense of our common heritage. We, together, share in the endowment granted us by our ancestors, the greatest cultural achievements on Earth. Success is in YOUR hands as much as ours as we seek each other out in the creation of numbers that will permit a more aggressive reintroduction of National-Socialism upon the world stage. Our fight is entirely uphill now. It worsens with every misbegotten show of violence supposedly done for our benefit, to initiate a White revolution. We cannot win that way. Those White people who oppose us must be delivered from their brainwashed delusions through our example of discipline and order, commitment and sincerity. Our job is that of educators, not rabble-rousers. We start the fight for the survival of our race only after a careful consideration of battle plans based upon stages we can actually attain. Your input, your participation matters.
This discussion will continue in a forthcoming ANP Report.