Racial Comrades: Only about two weeks until our ANP National Conference in SC on July 23rd – along with our OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – “White Patriots Awake!” Rally later in the day.
I hope that many of you are as excited and looking forward to attending this event as I am. For myself, this is the best time of the year where I get a chance to “put a face to the name” of the many Comrades that I correspond with over the year and to thank them personally for all the sacrifices that they make towards spreading the Good Word of National Socialism far and wide across this huge nation of ours!
To myself, it is also a time for me to “recharge my batteries” so to speak, by fellowshipping with intelligent, normal White Americans who share my views and it honestly gives me HOPE that indeed “all is NOT lost” in this epic Struggle to reclaim OUR land and reinvigorate our Folk with Aryan values. Values that ONCE our great forefathers were willing to FIGHT and SACRIFICE EVERYTHING for their peoples LIBERTY!
Our true freedoms.
by Steve Davenport
Now that it’s past July 4, all we hear is how free we are compared to other countries. My question is, just how free really, is free? We are certainly free to starve. We’re definitely free to be homeless. 9.1% of the country knows what it is to be free of a job, in the condition known as unemployment. Our ruling elite knows what it’s like to be free to make war on any country it chooses, regardless, of how the electorate feels. Our financial sector knew the freedom of being able to act as reckless and greedy as it wanted, because ZOG would feel free to rescue them with a massive 700 billion dollar bailout.
Some of our people know the freedom, of not having any health insurance in any form, so they are free to become ill and die, or face the freedom of not having any worldly goods, as they are sold at auction to pay crippling debts. Soon many more of our people will know the freedom of not having Medicare as our govt decides to cut its budget, by cutting out the guts of our social programs. Our kids are now learning the freedom of not having college to go to, since they can no longer afford it. Our kids are learning the freedom of not learning since school funds continue to be cut due to massive budget cuts.
Non whites know the freedom of being able to get any job they want; no matter how unqualified they are, simply due to the color of their skin. Whites know the freedom of never getting any govt, or govt backed job due to their being white. Non whites know the freedom of not worrying about being fired from a job, thanks to our “civil rights” laws. Whites know the freedom to be made to feel ashamed of being white, and the freedom of having all the worlds ills placed at the feet of the white race. Whites even get an extra bonus, of knowing the freedom of being able to be fired at their employers’ slightest whim, for being white, and having no protections, like non whites due.
Our service people know the freedom of being sent to alien cultures, in far off nations, to fight in wars that nobody understands the reasons for, to fight and die for a ruling elite that doesn’t care what the cost in blood and treasure. Obama is sending covert CIA teams to battle hostile groups/nations. Apparently, he feels free of being bothered having to explain to Congress what he’s doing. To me a war is a war, whether its overt, or covert. A covert war should have more oversight, not less, but ZOG keeps its own counsel. At $500,000 a piece, these cruise missiles cost. Think of what this kind of money could do towards health and education programs. Unfortunately, our ruling ZOG elite, is busy sending them, to: PAKISTAN, AFGHANISTAN, YEMEN, SOMALIA, LIBYA, and IRAQ. Enemies of Israel all, by some strange coincidence. Seems ZOG feels it’s free to resurrect the old domino theory, only instead of Communism, now its Islamism. As an added attraction, the system is now doing its best to contain Islam, just like it tried to contain Communism. All for the freedom of Judeo-Capitalism, to conquer the world.
Our ruling ZOG elite have gone from mere everyday corruption, to cartoonish super villainy, with losses in the millions, and now billions. Our govt feels free to give away taxpayer money, better spent at home, to help nation build overseas. 17 billion dollars in Iraq has mysteriously disappeared. The Afghan war costs 2 billion dollars a week..
Illegal immigrants feel very free to come here and take our jobs, since our govt feels free of any responsibility of dealing with this growing problem. Our mega rich feel free to send our good paying jobs overseas, so non white virtual slave laborers, can feel free to work at starvation wages, or starve. Our nation can feel free to say goodbye to retirement, as corporate America, has wasted their pensions on crap, and we are in a major recession, that will probably become permanent.
Isn’t it time we Aryans became free of an idiotic corrupt system? We should be free to do as we want, but National Socialism has no freedom in this ZOG country. Its time we exercised what little freedom we have, and supported the ANP. Give of your money and time, to print literature, and give it out. The ANP is determined to gain the freedoms of dignity, and a decent life for the Aryan in America. We have been unfree for far too long.
On July 23, in South Carolina, there will be a party conference. Here, you will be free to speak your Aryan mind, among fellow Aryans dedicated to restoring Aryan freedom. Plan to attend, and taste a sample of what it’s like to be a free Aryan.
Comrades, I visited Alexa website ratings this morning and I was pleased to note that again this month, visits to our Party website were up 40% – well done! Let’s keep that momentum going forward!
I also noticed as I checked – that the so-called “nsm’s” visits were DOWN 70% this month! You can check these stats yourself – simply go to the Alexa website and type in each organizations website and you’ll get the results.
Unlike past years, the ANP outreach is extending itself into the summer – where before we experienced “summertime slows” per folks having “fun” before political activism – now it appears that we ARE recruiting some very dedicated POLITICAL SOLDIERS, who work for the Party through rain OR shine! Once again- WELL DONE! And please – KEEP IT UP! Never think for one moment that that “little bit” of activism ala putting up ONE STICKER or distributing ONE MESSAGE-CARD while you’re out at the store etc, doesn’t ALL TOGETHER – ADD UP to a LOT!
All Party Comrades should have received the latest The White Worker magazine for June and as I hope you noticed a slip concerning the Rally on July 23rd. I’m going to ask a FAVOR from all of you who are intending to attend – please e-mail me and let me know. My e-mail is RSUHAYDA@ATT.NET
IF for some reason you simply cannot attend – would you please consider adding a “little something extra” to your pledge amount this July to help the Party per expenses for hosting this event? Because of the distances involved, the Party decided not to request a registration-fee from attendee’s – but, still the Party has ALL the expenses due a “regular month” ALONG with holding this National Conference, and if anyone could afford a wee-bit more in their donation we would be very grateful for that additional help.
The Party will be adding some NEW political items in the “merchandise” section of our Party website very shortly – watch for them!
As I stated earlier in the year, the Party is making great, positive strides and it CAN and WILL continue ONLY – IF – ALL OF US continue “DOING” what we HAVE been DOING with dedicated National Socialist DETERMINATION.
Working TOGETHER – I know that WE CAN – MAKE it HAPPEN!
For White WORKER Power! Hail Victory! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com