Racial Comrades: Sometimes its necessary to have a “straight talk”, and cut away all the crap – even IF it might be taken as being “mean”, “rude”, or “offensive” to those who prefer “excuses”…to the blunt TRUTH.
Dear Chairman Suhayda:
After having been involved in the Struggle for over 20 years, I often find myself wondering why we have accomplished so little in spite of so many lives of the people involved ruined and so much sacrifice by many dedicated individuals. Today in 2008 we are not near where we should have been by now. In my humble opinion, there is one main underlying issue behind the correct answer for this one.
First and foremost, we must examine the true reasons for the people who get involved in the Movement to be involved in it to begin with. The jewish media often calls us “hate groups” and in this particular instance they might be onto something, like it or not. Too many gullible disturbed individuals, mainly young men in their teens and early 20s, get involved purely for this reason. They just HATE. They hate negros, jews, mestizos, and the “rest of the multicultural crowd,” blaming them for all wrongs that have been happening in their miserable lives. In reality, as little sympathy as I personally have for those ethnic groups, it has to be said that they are not our main problem, not even close. They are nothing but the SYMPTOMS OF OUR BIGGEST CANCER, which is corrupt evil judeo-capitalist ESTABLISHMENT. Without “those in power” today, these tribes would not present any danger to us whatsoever, and some of them would not even be living in the same country with us! “Hate” should not be a predominant factor influencing your decision to join the Struggle. Instead, it should be your flaming desire to improve the lives of your Folk, White American Workers. Our real enemy is not a negro, or a mexican, or a jew “next door,” (unless, of course, they are involved in illegal activities, or just present clear physical threat for you and your family.) The real problem is your corrupt politician sending your Brothers to fight a war for israel, or your local capitalist, moving his damn factory to Mexico or China. Just think about it for a moment, will you?
I really feel uncomfortable recalling how many young people I have seen in the last 20 years who have ruined themselves and ended up in prison for so called “hate crimes.”
The “targets” of those activities were usually “minorities” or jews who were just innocent bystanders, not anyone even remotely responsible for our current misfortunes. And of course, their phony “leaders,” who very often encouraged this conduct, did not move their finger to do anything for their “followers” once they got themselves in trouble. The common trend was simply to abandon them. That is something really to think about for young skinheads, and certain members of fake “klan” and “nutzi” groups. I would certainly hope so.
There are also certain individuals joining the Cause to benefit from it financially. A lot of characters come to mind right away there, from the “great white hope” thief David Duke to the “little nutzi komander puke” sleazeball Jeffy Schoep. Those ones normally become “leaders” or “second-in-command” and start their little “enterprises” selling trinkets to their followers and supporters. Many of those great individuals often become ZOG’s informants as well, to protect their “businesses” from any kind of disruptions, and to make some extra $$$ as well. They are obviously not concerned with ideology, only with their sales. Unfortunately, this kind represents a great majority of the “movement leaders” today. Gee, no wonder we are where we are now, right??
Some other creatures “get involved” after being assaulted by a nigger on the street, or just because “it is “something to do…”” The backbone of our Cause should be our IDEOLOGY, not desire to get some “entertainment.” Anyone not clearly understanding “it” should simply “get out before it’s too late.” It is not a “game,” or a “hobby,” or a “social club.” Hundreds, if not thousands of people are in prisons today due to their involvement in “it” on different levels, something to mention to any “newcomer” to the Movement.
I hate to say that but there is also another kind of very sick individuals in the ranks of the Movement (not that many, thankfully.) Those are real degenerates, like drug addicts (one of the former “leaders” of infamous “nsm,” dope smoking “colonel” Tim Bishop, who is also a biological jew,) or child molesters (“nsm chairman” satanist schizophrenic Clifford Herrington comes to mind right away, as well as a former “national alliance” leader Strom and also the “imperial wizard” of now defunct “klan” group from Maine.) Are those creatures “national socialist???” Hardly so, just deviants masquerading themselves behind some certain “Third Reich Era” attributes!
I urge anyone considering themselves a National Socialist or just a White Nationalist to become familiar with our ideology first, to read “My Struggle” by A. Hitler, and “White Power” by Cmdr Rockwell, to determine for yourself what it is that you believe in for starters. After that – get involved! Read, distribute literature, spread our Propaganda materials and recruit, recruit, recruit! Remember that we, REAL National Socialists, are not “mindless haters.” We are FIGHTERS for the Cause. We oppose that evil judeo-capitalist System and all the wrongs it is directly responsible for. Educate yourselves, educate others, be patient and persistent, and stay out of trouble. Nothing good comes out of your getting crashed by the “system lackeys,” and there is no reason that you should be. Do not listen to the phony “fuhrers,” for when you go down, they will write you off and go on to the next confused young person.
Another thing that I wanted to bring up concerns existing ANP Members and Official Supporters. I urge all able bodied male Comrades to seriously consider joining our SA (“Security Arm.”) You will not be a part of a pitiful clownish exhibition, instead, you will be involved in the most active segment of the ANP and learn many interesting aspects of the ANP “propaganda drive.”
Craig Rxxxx, SAman 1st Class, ANP SA Reserve
Comrades, I don’t intend todays thoughts to be either “mean”, “rude” or “offensive” – but, for MY peace of mind – its about time I found out just “where” everyone is REALLY coming from.
I hope that what I’m going to relate doesn’t come over as being “boastful”, or full of hubris…but, I need to get some things off my chest.
I have been involved in this Struggle since I first joined Rockwell’s ANP in 1967 at the age of 16. I have all through that time been very active – first as a “foot soldier” for the first three decades, and for the rest, as a “leadership personality” since I found no “other” individual out there, who was capable of being sincere, honest, or ideologically sound in the promotion of National Socialism into the 21st century.
I, along with a cadre of “Old Fighters” from the ANP/NSWPP days – reconstituted the American Nazi Party about a decade ago, intending for the first time within our knowledge, to build a sincere, intelligently projected NS organization – vs the “hollywierd nutzi” versions that have proliferated the racialist spectrum.
What I’m going to relate now, perhaps I shouldn’t – as it allows the enemy an insight into our strength and operations – but, I intend to be PAINFULLY HONEST with all of you, as a final gamble that perhaps what I feel needs to be achieved, CAN be ACHIEVED. Otherwise…….
Over our basically “ten years” of existence, we have kept a VERY high standard ( for a racial org…) of quality control in our adherents. This has of course meant that “growth”, unlike “other” groups “out there” who accept gleefully any featherless biped who shouts racials slurs, or “hates” like an ADL posterboy should – has been “slow”. It seems that folks in the “racial movement”, PREFER “media-whores” and fantasy klowns – to sincere, long-standing PROVEN people who refuse to “fit the mold” of the SPLC play-book on “how” a Racialist/National Socialist SHOULD act.
Still, we persevered – we refused to “ACT” any longer in the manner approved by the enemy. We refused to expose our adherents to the cataloging of our enemies, simply to garner negative “headlines” in the enemies twisted lie-media – exposure which has cost many a good, decent, sincere Comrade his JOB, his FAMILY, his FRIENDS, and/or his LIFESTYLE just to mention a FEW “problems” – that NOT shoving these people out in public, in a costume-parade for the ego-gratification of some LOSER in REAL-LIFE poohbah, was contained.
In the ten years of my Chairmanship, not ONE ANP adherent has been “outed” for their affiliation, and to my knowledge, not ONE has been jailed by the system.
We have reached the point where the Party is able to produce a handsome, monthly publication – filled with TODAY’S ISSUES, not a rehash of incidents of the 3rd Reich era – on a monthly basis.
We have a well documented website, where we produce weekly “ANPReports” that have been the topics in various systemite publications like Esquire and the National Review. NOT for their “sensationalism” of looking like “Blues Brothers Nutzi’s” – but, because of their intelligent, and introspective presentations, that aren’t filled with grammatical errors and hateful slurs…which only re-enforces the perception of NS/Racialists ala the “hollywood version”, of evil, mindless buffoons.
We have reached the point where the Party offers propaganda materials – at COST – and we have steadfastly refused to become trinket-peddlers, like 99.9% of the “movement” has. Believing, that like any “belief system” – the BELIEVERS would FINANCE that which they claim to BELIEVE.
There have been many more hard won success’s – last July’s “Snowflakes” campaign as an example – where the Party produced and shipped 18,000 mini-leaflets across America in one month for ANP activists to utilize.
And here is the one piece of information that the enemy probably loves having – today, the American Nazi Party stands at 173 National Socialist men and women. Yes, perhaps it OUGHT to be more, but our adherents are of such quality ( based upon my personal “experience” in this “movement” of over 40 years…) that basically I would state, that “one of ours” is worth “ten of the others” – OUR PEOPLE ARE “NORMAL” – can you honestly say that, when you look at the pictures that these “other orgs” publish of THEIR associates?
Still, I am not “satisfied”. Comrades, last month in August – ONLY TEN PEOPLE sent in $UPPORT. Yes, ten loyal Comrades thought our efforts serious enough to send in donations to continue the Party’s existence. What�s going on?
Of course, I realize economic times are tough, and they are going to get TOUGHER – these are the “easy days”, to what�s COMING. WHAT will happen THEN? Sorry, but I bluntly can’t fathom where a $5 or $10 donation is going to “make or break” ANYONE – including myself, and I’M listed in the “poverty level”, when it comes to income-taxes. Yet, combined – its fuel to move our ideology forward – to grow and expand.
White people MUST ORGANIZE if they are to survive – idiots who preach “leaderless resistence” are EITHER system plants, OR fools who are LOOKING OUT to be a “big fish” in a tiny pond. Lets be HONEST – how can you defeat or even contend against an ORGANIZED OPPONENT – if your not ORGANIZED – YOURSELF? Its literally INSANE!
Comrades, I’m NOT some loser, or under-achiever – MY “economic troubles” came about through losing my job that I held for almost 25 years, due to all that “wonderful, public exposure” that I “believed in” back then, and I refuse to dump upon others now. Now, I work two part-time jobs, my wife works, as well as my grown daughter. We own our own home, and I am a family-man with three children, two of whom were born autistic, due to the mercury-additives in all those “vacinations” that the system FORCES upon the White population…a “problem” that is spreading worse than AID’s across America. I have been in the army, have never been arrested for any crime ( not counting political activism..) and have never received any “welfare” in my lifetime – how many “other leaders” in this “movement” can say the same?
I too, like yourself have friends and hobbies beyond my “political” scene – yet, most of my “free time” ( like other ANP Staffer’s…) is handed over “free of charge” to enable the ANP to exist and progress – and believe me, it�s a LOT of time and effort involved.
What�s all this boiling down to? OK, to “the chase” as they say.
Comrades, I really BELIEVE in the necessity of what we are doing, and what needs to be accomplished. I THINK that my lifelong “record” at least attests to that. But, I’m also HUMAN.
I’m tired of trying to build a SINCERE, and INTELLIGENT 21st Century National Socialist operation, instead of another costumed, fantasy-club – filled with homemade “snappy uniforms”, “grandiose titles”, and for the most part freakish dysfunctionals, acting like loons – who are a DANGER and DISGRACE to THEMSELVES and those who ASSOCIATE with them, under the “symbolism” of something that they neither UNDERSTAND nor care to LEARN.
Comrades, I’m VERY tired of all the stress and work that is involved, IF “no-one” REALLY seems to care. 40 YEARS of knocking my head against a barrier of sloth, cowardice, selfishness, and stinginess – is a LONG time. You seem to “EXPECT” myself and ANP Staff to “do things” with a COMMITMENT that – we also expect of YOU. Every single ANP adherent is a VITAL “Cog on the Wheel” that makes it all go round. YOU PLEDGED YOUR WORD and YOUR $UPPORT – when you joined the American Nazi Party – on what value is your word WORTH?
Has this putrid, lackadaisical attitude that infects our nation and the sheeple of our Fok – also, infected “NATIONAL SOCIALISTS” as well? I FOR ONE REFUSE TO “ACCEPT” THAT! If that is the way it goes, we ought to close up shop and quit fooling ourselves – for IF “we” are NO BETTER than the sheeple – we are shit, and don’t deserve to disgrace true National Socialism with such hypocrisy.
Comrades, I desire nothing MORE than continuing to attempt to strengthen and build TRUE National Socialism here in these dangerous times – for MY childrens sake. I’m willing to “GO TO THE WALL” for it – but, I need to SEE “something” MORE – from all of YOU.
Perhaps, you DON’T really care. Perhaps, you’ll snigger and say “what an asshole” – F’em. Perhaps, you’ll send the Party some long, “sob story” about “what you would love to do, BUT….”. I have heard it all.
But, as “egotistical” as it may sound – OUR RACE, and the WHITE WORKING CLASS POPULATION – CAN’T “survive” without fighters like MYSELF. Do you honestly believe that the LOONS out there, acting like idiots, are going to ever create and build an ORGANIZATION, even remotely comparable to what the NEGROES did, back in the day – to forward THEIR demands? I, and others like me – ARE willing to FIGHT – BUT – ONLY if the necessary “RESOURCES” are made available to us, to DO the job. I’m realistic enough to understand that IF the people who “$upport Obama” as an example – can raise the funds for THEIR beliefs in the multi-millions – so can we to a degree, IF we are willing to SACRIFICE the so many really “needless/fun” things in our lives, that corrupt our Aryan souls into little judaized, plastic “consumers” of everything that is bad for us.
My friends, I’m NOT “threatening you” – I’m being bluntly HONEST with you. Hell, I’m willing to PUT MY NAME out there as “ANP CHAIRMAN”, with “all” the flak that that entails – all I ask, is that the Party be given at LEAST a semblance of the needed resources to do a realistic job. Up till the present, we have been operating on “chewing gum and a stretched rubberband” – this cannot continue. IF “everyone” put the Party on the same basis as your regular, monthly “credit card” payment to the jews, or your fancy “car payment”, etc et al – we WOULD be on a sound financial program. Does ANYONE really believe that we are going to SECURE THOSE 14WORDS and SOCIAL JUSTICE for the WHITE WORKING CLASS – on a atta’boy and a postage stamp? OR, is this all just a little game that we are involved in – that makes us “feel better” for NOT really “getting involved” all that we could or should? When our children are a MINORITY – will we all feel a little more “smug” – because – “we tried…”?
Thank you for your time, attention, and consideration. I await your response.
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com